Hey again blog world!
As I finish the final page in this most recent chapter of my life, I can't help but by thrilled and a little awe-struck when I think about the opportunity of the new chapter that lays before me. I made the decision to retire from teaching after 5 years (for now anyway) and work full time as mommy teacher to my one year old son. As most American families these days, one income is not enough- especially when that income is from another teacher! Consequently, it is my responsibility and joy to find alternative income. Thus, here I find myself, with itching fingers, ready to create! I am an artist, through and through, just ask Meyer Briggs, he said so himself. If you want to see what he says about you, go to humanmetrics.com. It is very insightful. (Ok, reigning in the rabbits now.) I am so excited to explore the great world of clip-art and graphic creation, and hope to venture into blog design and free lance writing. Oh, and did I mention that I am a Mary Kay Lady? You can shop til you drop at: www.marykay.com/ehall.
Here is my current theme song and the inspiration for this blog:
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
I have so many friends that are working overtime to eradicate their yards of the massive quantities of dandelions that this rainy spring has brought. However, did you know that every single part of the dandelion is useful, even medicinal? The flowers can be cooked and eaten as fritters, mixed into salads, and even turned into a delightful wine (so i have heard) the greens are highly nutritious, and the root is used to clean the kidneys! I actually think the plants are rather pretty, they give a sunny spark to any lawn, and seriously, who doesn't like to blow on a dandelion seed head? You know you do! My prayer, as that of the song, is that God will find something useful, and maybe even beautiful in the talents and efforts that I have to offer.
My hope for this blog is that it is not just a place to peddle my wares, but an encouragement to others as well. God has brought me through many storms, and I hope that my efforts will be pleasing to Him and useful to others. Where some may see weeds, I pray that He, and you dear reader, will find sweet flowers!
Until next time,